I. The biblical way of presenting the Gospel is by
A. Using the Law (the Ten Commandments) to show a person that they cannot measure up to God, and thus
B. Addressing the conscience – everyone knows that lying, murder, etc. (or at least one of the Commandments) are morally wrong,
1. So you’re not arguing with them about what good and bad is (thus bypassing the intellect) and
2. You are not playing on their emotions to get them to make a rash decision, even if it’s the “right” one.
3. By addressing the conscience correctly, the intellect and the emotions will be addressed obliquely
C. The Law cannot save anyone, as we all fail it, & no one can fulfill it.
D. Its use is to show us that we are sinners.
1. The wages of sin is eternal punishment, a righteous judgment by a Righteous Judge.
a. This is not used as a scare tactic, but should introduce a healthy fear into the sinner
II. For Christians, the Law becomes those things that we gladly do in service of our Lord and Savior, not because it can save us.
GRACE - Once a person is humbled then we can
I. Introduce the Gospel to them-
A. Who Jesus Christ is (God the Son)
B. What He did on the cross
1. What His propitiation means (appeasement; “paid the price”)
2. What His atonement means (reinstated to harmony and unity)
C. What God’s Grace is
D. How to access it
1. Repentance
a. True conversion
2. Faith
a. The absolute basics of the faith
i. An accurate understanding of Who God is;
ii. An accurate understanding of what the Gospel is; and
iii. An accurate understanding of what the Bible is
E. What making Christ both their Lord and Savior entails and
F. What effect all this will have on their life (faithful works).
With Our Eyes on God
[image: With Our Eyes on God]Life inevitably faces us with grievous trials
and terrible troubles. None of us remains unscathed and undamaged as we
make our...
17 hours ago
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